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These Terms & Conditions explain certain legal and regulatory conditions and restrictions in relation to this website. This information may be changed by XY Capital and XY Capital Europe at any time without notice. 

In these terms and conditions, references to “XY Capital Europe” means XY Capital Europe Limited and any affiliate, or entity under common control of XY Capital Europe Limited. 

“XY Capital” means XY Capital Ltd and any affiliate, or entity under common control of XY Capital Ltd.  

“XY Asset Management” means XY Asset Management Limited and any affiliate, or entity under common control of XY Asset Management Limited.  

Information in relation to the XY Capital, XY Capital Europe or XY Asset Management strategies is available through this website to professional and institutional investors only. This website is reserved exclusively for non-U.S. persons and should not be accessed by any person in the United States. 

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The information contained in this website has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable, however, certain information contained herein has been obtained from published sources and/or prepared by other parties. XY Capital, XY Asset Management, or their respective affiliates has not independently verified any of such information and none of them accepts responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such information. 

This website may contain statements that are not purely historical in nature, but are “forward-looking” statements including without limitation, projections, forecasts and/or targets. These forward-looking statements are based upon certain assumptions. There can be no assurance that estimated returns or projections can be realised, that forward-looking statements will materialise or that actual results will not be materially lower than those presented. Actual events may differ from those assumed. XY Capital, XY Asset Management or their respective affiliates does not assume any duty to update any forward-looking statements. Past performance is no assurance of future results and there can be no assurance that the fund will generate results comparable to those previously achieved or achieve its stated investment objectives, or that investors will receive a return of their capital. 

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This website is issued in the United Kingdom by XY Capital Europe Limited, 7th Floor, 145-146 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3V 4QT registered in England, No. 12919393, which has approved its contents and which is an appointed representative of Capricorn Fund Managers Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”). 

This website is directed exclusively at Professional Clients and Eligible Counterparties and should not be relied upon by Retail Clients (all as defined by the FCA). If you are viewing the material as a retail investor, you should seek independent investment advice before deciding whether the services in question are suitable to meet your investment needs and objectives, as the language has not been complied to a retail client standard. 

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Purpose of the website: No offer of Securities; No Advice 

The website is intended to provide an overview of XY Capital Europe and is for general information purposes only. The website is not intended to provide investment, accounting, tax or legal advice. You should consult your own investment, legal and/or tax professionals regarding your specific situation. Users of this website should be aware that XY Capital Europe is not acting for, or advising them, and is not responsible for providing them with the protections available under the UK regulatory system. Compensation will not be available from the UK’s Financial Services Compensation Scheme. 

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While XY Capital Europe uses reasonable efforts to obtain information from reliable sources, XY Capital Europe makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of any content at this website. Opinions and any other content are subject to change without notice. XY Capital Europe is not utilizing this website to provide investment or other advice to you or any other party, and no information or material at this website is to be relied upon for the purpose of making or communicating investment or other decisions. 

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Privacy policy 

XY Capital Europe has updated its Privacy Policies below in line with the Global Data Protection Regulation, effective 25 May 2018.  Your personal information is important to us and we take your privacy seriously. We are committed to ensuring that both your privacy and your data is protected, starting from the information we collect to how long we hold it for and how we use and disclose your details as part of the service we offer to you. The Policies provide information on how to exercise your rights over your data. 

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Subject to applicable law, XY Capital Europe and its affiliates and their respective directors, employees and associates do not accept any responsibility arising in any way (including by reason of negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the information and do not accept any liability for any loss or damage, however caused, as a result of any person relying on any information on the website or being unable to access the website. 

The Internet is not a totally reliable and secure medium of communication. XY Capital Europe accepts no liability for the security or confidentiality of information transmitted in this way and any such transmission of information shall be at your own risk. 

Potential conflicts of interest 

XY Capital Europe and its employees or associated companies may have a position or holding in any investments or securities referred to on the website. 

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Telephone communications or conversations between XY Capital Europe and its clients that result or may result in transactions will be recorded. 

Performance legend 

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns. Any information you receive from XY Capital Europe is believed to be reliable. Nevertheless, neither XY Capital Europe nor its agents are liable for any deficiencies in the accuracy, completeness, availability or timeliness of such information. The information provided on this website does not necessarily reflect the most up to date or current information available on the product or service. The information contained herein is provided without any warranty of any kind. The performance and other information and opinions expressed in the following materials are provided without any warranty of any kind. 

Opinions expressed whether in general or in both on the performance of the individual funds and in a wider economic context represent the views of the contributor at the time of preparation. Financial information contained on the website have not been audited. XY Capital Europe furthermore disclaims any liability for any loss, damage, costs or expenses (including direct, indirect, special and consequential) howsoever arising which any person may suffer or incur as either a direct or consequential a result of viewing or utilising any information included in this website. 

The value of investments may fall as well as rise and you may not get back your original investment. Past performance should not be viewed as a guide to future performance. Investment carries the risk of potential total loss of capital. Where an investment involves a foreign currency, it may be subject to fluctuations in value due to movements in exchange rates. These changes to exchange rates may also cause the value of an underlying investment to go down as well as up. The annual management fee is taken from the capital of the funds and may constrain or erode capital. Investments or investment services referred to in this website may not be suitable for all investors and we therefore recommend that you seek advice from your investment adviser before making an investment. 

If you wish to invest in a specific investment or product managed by XY Capital Europe, you should refer to the risk warnings in the relevant prospectus for that product or investment. Information and details of such investments, managers or their products or laws or circumstances, may change, and it is the requirement of any investor or those making or considering to make such investments that they conduct due diligence on any and all investments made or considered. All investments should be made with discretionary capital set aside strictly for speculative purposes. 

Stewardship Code (the “Code”) 

Under Rule 2.2.3R of the FCA’s Conduct of Business Sourcebook (“COBS”), XY Capital Europe is required to disclose whether or not it commits to the UK Financial Reporting Council’s Code. The Code is a voluntary code and sets out a number of principles relating to engagement by investors with UK equity issuers. XY Capital Europe pursues a strategy that employs a systematic approach to invest securities, including in listed equities. XY Capital Europe does not believe in meeting with company management in order to ensure all companies are assessed using a uniform dataset at a single point in time. This assessment – based on hard, current evidence – is repeated every month. Consequently, while XY Capital Europe generally supports the objectives that underlie the Code, the Code is relevant only to limited aspects of XY Capital Europe ‘s trading and XY Capital Europe has chosen not to commit to it. 

Shareholder Rights Directive Statement 

XY Capital Europe is making this statement in Compliance with Rule 2.2B.5R of COBS. 

COBS requires every FCA authorised asset manager that invests in listed equities to: (1) develop and publicly disclose on its website, a copy of its engagement policy which includes the content specified in the amended EU Shareholder Rights Directive (Directive 2007/36/EC); and (2) publicly disclose on an annual basis how its engagement policy has been implemented, including a general description of its voting behaviour, an explanation of its most significant votes and details of its use of the services of proxy advisors, or, in either case, to publicly disclose a clear and reasoned explanation of why it has chosen not to comply with those requirements 

XY Capital Europe has considered carefully whether it wishes to adopt an engagement policy and to make the disclosures described above and has, for the time being, decided not to do so. For the portion of investments that is more focused on equities, the relevant exposure is often obtained through swap positions (particularly in relation to European issuers). Where equities exposures are held via a swap position, the opportunities for engagement are more limited, when compared with shareholdings (as for example, a swap holder is not entitled to vote at general meetings of the issuer). Where XY Capital Europe does invest in shares, it does not typically vote proxies. Therefore, while XY Capital Europe supports the general principles of shareholder engagement, it does not at this time (for the reasons set out above) consider it appropriate to adopt an engagement policy or make the relevant public disclosures. XY Capital Europe will keep its position under review and will update this section of its website accordingly, if there is a change in its approach. 

You agree, at your own expense, to indemnify and hold harmless XY Capital, XY Capital Europe, XY Asset Management and its, parents, subsidiaries and affiliates, and their officers, partners, employees, agents, distributors and licensees, on demand, from and against any judgments, losses, deficiencies, damages, liabilities, costs, claims, demands, suits, and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) incurred in, arising out of or in any way related to your breach of these terms of use or your access or use of this website. 

Updated July 2024 




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